Barb DelPrete

Dancing without muscle spasms thanks to Cramp911, just in time for Valentine’s Day.

Dancing has been a celebrated pastime for many centuries. From the beginning of time, it has been both a ritualistic experience as well as a way of courting, celebrations, and just plain fun festivities. In the history of dancing, the Victorian era is said to be a time when dancing was revered as the key […]

Dancing without muscle spasms thanks to Cramp911, just in time for Valentine’s Day. Read More »

Your weight loss New Year resolution could lead to muscle cramps, arm yourself with relief for successful weight loss!

As countless polls have shown, weight loss tops the list for New Year’s resolutions. Various polls released by a range of sources state that about a third of all Americans want to lose weight for the upcoming New Year. Weight loss goals often integrate healthier diets, as well as more regular and rigorous exercise. In

Your weight loss New Year resolution could lead to muscle cramps, arm yourself with relief for successful weight loss! Read More »

Cramp911, a closer look at the brand and the founder Keith Delprete

Cramp911, a medical lotion developed by DelPrete’s Pharmacy, DelCorean LLC, is used widely by a range of clients, from world-class athletes to the elderly. Keith DelPrete, a long-time practicing pharmacist and founder of DelPrete’s Pharmacy, created the relief cream known to DelPrete’s customers as the miracle “Leg Cramp Lotion.” This medical lotion, which should be

Cramp911, a closer look at the brand and the founder Keith Delprete Read More »

Excercise Freely without Muscle Cramps or Spasms like Dre Kirtpatrick says Cramp911

Muscle cramps and spasms are painful and involuntary and can happen to people of all ages, including children, young athletes and the elderly. They often result in the inability to use affected muscles, anywhere from minutes to hours. What causes muscle spasms and cramps? Research has shown that they are caused by a variety of

Excercise Freely without Muscle Cramps or Spasms like Dre Kirtpatrick says Cramp911 Read More »

Cramp911 – A natural pain relief formula embraced by sport teens, coaches and parents alike

There is nothing more exciting for a teenager than a high school homecoming football game. Whether you are in the stands, cheering on the sidelines or playing the field, the anticipation seems unbearable. For many towns in the United States, football is not considered just another high school sport, it is a triumphant venture in

Cramp911 – A natural pain relief formula embraced by sport teens, coaches and parents alike Read More »

A topical muscle cramp relief formula aids in faster healing of fractures and muscle related injuries.

Recovering from any injury can be agonizing. Among many, fractures and torn ligaments are the worst of the worse. Unfortunately, the only way we can fully heal is to let the area rest. This seems easy enough, however, recovery can seem like a lifetime, especially if it accompanied by harsh, nagging muscle aches and pains.

A topical muscle cramp relief formula aids in faster healing of fractures and muscle related injuries. Read More »

Supporting the Warriors That Protect our Home, A Small Gesture Counts!

Soldiers leave their families behind and head out on a mission of protecting the rest of us left behind to continue with our everyday lives.  Once a soldier transitions to places like Afghanistan and Iraq, they experience much mental and physical trauma, not to mention the agony of missing their loved ones. Many soldiers are

Supporting the Warriors That Protect our Home, A Small Gesture Counts! Read More »

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